Monday, March 30, 2009

Madras High Court lawyers return to work ... patch up - mailed on 20-3-2009 to friends

The Court has evolved something to pacify the Advocates through their hogwash suspension of 2 police officers, just for the sake of having the Advocates crowd during the oath taking ceremony for the next lot of 14 Judges to be sworn in shortly, is nothing but a simple ploy to trap the agitating Advocates to return to Court on some pretext or other and to give them an honourable exit. As lawyers we have to welcome that something has happened to bring down the curtains on this ugly issue, but finally it turns out that the Advocates are the losers.

I would like to emphatically state that it is a national shame that such judges who are just plain cowards and shameless sit in our Courts. I am mentioning about the Judges who had the taste of the mob police's Lathis but still did not open their mouth against it or act against it through their enormous powers under the Contempt of Court Act.

The Judges of the High court along with those of the City civil court and also the Small causes court who were hit but had not opened their mouth to raise a complaint, on such a plain criminal action are not fit to be judges and deliver judgments. What right have they got to indict witnesses turning hostile or to chastise the witness who under some duress or reward succumbs against truth. These high priests of justice themselves are mortally afraid of the police or the State government and have not proceeded to tell the truth either to the Srikrishna Commission or to the President of India or initiate suo moto action for contempt against the police.

It would be better for the lawyers to boycott these judges courts in the interests of justice and also in the better interests of Truth and our Country, till they tender their resignations voluntarily or are forced to resign wilting on the shame of their ineptitude. Whatever happens, whether they resign or not, their conscience will kill them for having buried the truth in such a shameless manner and that too even after much spilling of blood on this august premises.

It will not be very long before the Delhi police to enter parliament and lathi charge the members during a session, just because like what happened in our high court, a group of naxalite members would cause some contempt and the police would take the opportunity to humiliate the institution ( of course with the permission of the head of the State at that time) !!!

HIGH COURT VIOLENCE AS I SAW IT - originally mailed to friends on March 7, 2009

I was a witness to the happenings both on the 17th February and 19th February having been near ground zero on both occasions, because of my court work exactly at those places.

what happened on the 17th, that is the egg episode is the most disgraceful, shameful, contemptuous action done by the naxalite or CPI (ML) or SFI allegiance lawyers. But please remember that they are only a few out of the entire Advocate fraternity and not more than a dozen would support their views. But unfortunately on the 19th, in the police station episode some uninformed or near stupid Advocates went overboard on their zealous task to protect their Advocate brethren from getting arrested. THATS ALL. They did not, I INSIST, they did not indulge in any violence or induce any violence at the first instance. I TELL THIS PERSONALLY SINCE IT IS THE TRUTH, EVEN THOUGH I PERSONALLY DO NOT EVEN POINT ONE PERCENT ACCEPT THE RHETORIC OR DOGMA OF THE SLOGAN SHOUTING, EGG THROWING BRIGADE.

The so called Human Rights lawyers who were present in the police station instead of diffusing the situation and working out a solution did the most foolish thing by trying to lodge a false complaint against Dr. Swamy, so as to get a supposed BALANCE. Plain bull shit. They did not anticipate the violence that was going to be unleashed. The other actions of roguish behaviour at that point of time by the Advocates was more barking than biting. The Advocates were not at all armed or were ready for some fight or violence. The police had shields and also lathis. If Advocates threw stones they could have shielded themselves and walked out. They could have picked up these 19 lawyers from their homes at leisure. The Advocates did not boycott or protest when the first of the 20, one Mr. Gini Liew Manuel was arrested on the night of 17th.

Why should the police hit with lathis ? It was the police who threw stones from the first floor of the NDPS court building on to the local police. The same guys who in the garb of Advocates are seen smashing cars in one or two photos are the ones who also threw stones in the first instance on the local police who were there. Secondly, it was the police themselves who burnt the police station with tyres brought from a nearby puncture shop, and petrol sourced from the bunk near Thiruvalluvar bus stand. They poured the petrol in the tyres burnt it and rolled it into the police station. Tell me from the videos as to where was the sentry at the police station or what he was doing when it is his job to save the police station and not run away from it. Moreover show me one camera footage of Advocate's burning the police station. The stupid ones burnt some things outside the station and the things sourced from the police station.

Why did not the police lathi charge the Advocates when they tried to burn the police station ? Where were they ? Were they at the Commissioner's office or the DGP's office ? They were right there, but cleaverly moved away so as to show in the cameras that it was the Advocate's who did it. Moreover to proof for the same is that the entire files from the police station had been moved out by the police much earlier and only the cause list bundles and some useless papers were allowed to be burnt. How is that the steel cup board that is shown to be burnt by Advocates was empty and its lock open ? Had the police station been burnt suddenly all the records would have been destroyed and the police would have raised a hue and cry about this even at that time. Why have they not done it till now ?

Moreover the entire issue was done with orders from the higher level including the Law minister, who has nothing to do with Law, except that he perpetuates unlawfullness alone. Why has he not visited the lawyers the same day at the hospital if he is not guilty ? The police had planned it earlier and the strike force stationed at pudupet knew that that this is what is going to happen in the High Court even as early as the previous night. The police also molested women and women lawyers during the mayhem, including assault both verbally and physically. Who ordered them to do this ? shameful.

Now why is the Commissioner hiding behind policemens wives ? if he has not allowed the strike force to move out, which moves out only on his command. If he had not ordered their entry into the High Court, then who ordered it ? If it was nobody or his subordinates then it is a police mutiny which has to be probed seperately and the perpetrators punished. isnt it ? The rowdy state government wants the police to capture booths and assist in punching false votes during

The same Advocate group are also anti-Hindu and shouted pro naxal slogans during the Kandhamal violence at Orissa. The same bunch of egg throwers are also in the forefront of the anti-Chidambaram Temple agitation, and thus because of their foolishness, arrogance, anti-nationalism and anti-establishmentarianism had brought in this shame and disrepute to the entire profession. They have no business either to shout slogans or sit on dharna inside the court on non-professional issues, both Eelam and also Chidambaram temple issue.

I hope that the hooligan lawyers would themselves repent their stance and go before a bench at the High Court and accept responsibility for their action and end this boycott. I think that alone would be a starting point to end the boycott.

Even Dayanidhi maran barked " Ayyo Kolranga" "Ayyo Kolranga" at the time when Karunanidhi was arrested and made a big fuss. Karunanidhi could have got arrested quietly, peacefully and gracefully knowing his stature and age, but when he himself did not do, how can you expect young and mob-attitude lawyers to get arrested and that too at their FORT ! ! May be he would get arrested gracefully the next time ! let us wait for that and see it.

No Police can step into the Courts anymore. The Advocates WILL NEVER ACCEPT THEIR APOLOGIES, even if tendered. Even if i differ with the Naxalite group Advocates who were the spark to this entire violence or the Justice Sri Krishna report which is near absolute wrong in its finding on the nature and cause of the violence on the 19th February, I too will not accept the devlish behaviour of the police and their draconian bosses, whomsoever it may be or accept their apologies, even if tendered. The persons who ordered this violence inside the campus must be PUNISHED.

P.S - I believe that whatever happened had happened because of the wrong judgment given by this Court against the Lord Nataraja at Chidambaram. In Thiruvilayadal Puranam the story of "Pittukku man sumandhu Pirambadi patta kadhai" is well known and similarly here because of a wrong judgment, the entire lawyer community is hit, who, without even their knowledge as to what was happening were hit.

Now Karunanidhi forms a trust to safeguard Vanniar properties and falls at the feet of Dr. Ramdoss.. shameless creature.. but want to take away the Temple at Chidambaram from those administering it ... he proves what he is ... a total casteist, hypocratic and corrupt bigot.