Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Yoga is only a Hindu Practice

  • Seeking to Clear a Path Between Yoga and Islam

  • comment to that article

  • s subramaniam balaji
  • Chennai, India

Yoga or Hatha Yoga is indeed a basic Hindu worship practice to condition the body and mind towards attaining Samadhi state for God realization.
Whether Christian, Muslim or Jewish faith accepts, condemns or modifies it as a secular practice, it does not really matter, for Yoga is nothing but a pure Hindu form of worship.
Yoga combined with Pranayama or breath control / breathing technique is a fundamental requirement for all serious practitioners of Hinduism. All these yoga business trying to secularize it will not strip Yoga of its basic Hindu worship root.

Serious practitioners of yoga would find that kind of an elevated state where their own mind would create a form of God head for them irrespective of their present religious belief or other forms of worship
Practitioners of Yoga also dont pray to God, they only meditate upon God.
Moreover Yoga makes one realize slowly but definitely that everything is God and that would directly clash with the semantic religions and their controlled socio political doctrines and therefore these hue and cry over its penetration and spread.

Practitioners of yoga would find the regular Sunday , Friday or any other day congregations to be a social club gathering devoid of spirituality and would start avoiding them slowly but surely. All these are complete anathema for strict codified religions and their interpreter businessmen and naturally they will be against such a democratic, liberal, ancient, true and scientific practice.